My Club Med app

Club Med resort app
Check "My Club Med" app for the latest resort info!
"My Club Med" is a partner app to help you and your loved ones spend unforgettable vacances at the resort.
This app enables you to find info about resort map, dress code, activity schedule, G.O list and more.

Available on App Store and Google Play

Activity / Schedule
Want to check activity/schedule?
Go to resort information on the app, then click ”Activities & Schedule”. You can check the weekly schedule with time & place.

Dress codes
Club Med dress code is a proposal from Club Med to have fun in unusual atmosphere, not a compulsary one!
Here are some examples of standard dress codes:
- Black and glow
- All white
- 45/88
- Asian elegant

Resort map
You can check the map to check whole resort map, as well as location of resort facilities.
This app will help you when you get lost in the resort.
Please utilize this map to broaden your image at the resort.

G.O team
Club Med G.Os are very friendly, and will get in touch with you and your loved ones like your friend from old time.
Any favorite GO's?
Download the app, then from the resort information page, go to ”The resort” > “GO’s team”.
You can check the list of current GO team.