Your first steps at Club Med

Get familiar before your trip
Visit the different pages below to learn more about your first steps before your sun, snow, or mountain vacation. Learn more about our Great Members Loyalty Program or learn about the Club Med Lingo. Gentle Members, Village, Chief of Village; these terms are unique to Club Med and used world wide at all of our resorts. Discover all the words that will soon be part of your daily life.

Information Based On Your Type Of Trip
Whether you're lounging on the beach or ski down the slopes, visit our pages below to make sure you're prepared!

Great Members Loyalty Program
Congratulations! You're now part of our loyalty program. After your first stay at Club Med, you'll enjoy all the benefits that come with this status.
How does the program work?
Each status is earned according to the time spent at Club Med or the amount spent by your household over the last three years.
There are four status levels:
Ψ Turquoise
Ψ Silver
Ψ Gold
Ψ Platinum
Your personal space
To discover the advantages of your status and track your progress, log on to your personal space on with your GM number or e-mail address.

Chief of Village
The Orchestrator
Is the resort manager who oversees the on-site team and day-to-day affairs of the resort. You will sometimes also hear G.O.'s refer to them as "Chef de Village".

Gentle Members
a.k.a "G.M."
The term "G.M." is loosely translated from the original French as "Genteel Members" but we more commonly us the term "Gentle Members" to refer to our amazing guests.

Gentle Organizers
a.k.a "G.O."
This is what we call our on-site resort staff, who are considered the heart and soul of the Club Med experience. They will keep you entertained with exciting programs, activities, and events.

Crazy Signs
Get ready to dance!
Crazy signs are our choreographed dance numbers that are easy to learn and fun for everyone. They're a unique part of Club Med's festive spirit that you may participate in. Just ask a G.O. to teach you!

Theme Nights
Get ready for some fun!
Invite G.M.'s to mirror the special dress codes that our G.O.'s wear to our evening entertainment and parties. It's entirely up to you, but it's definitely a fun way to share the Club Med spirit with G.O.'s.