Overall experience great.
The facility was great. The views from our room was awesome. No issues at all . The ability to speak French would be a big advantage .
Курорт Club Med Les Boucaniers, розташований у величезному кокосовому гаю в самому серці Карибського моря, цієї зими зазнає змін. Номери, бар і ресторан відремонтовані, а атмосфера, що панує в них, прославляє креольську культуру та сучасний дизайн. Курорт відображає острів квітів - барвистий, насичений та святковий.
Знайдіть хвилинку, щоб помилуватися знаменитою Діамантовою скелею з культового понтона у формі коми. Відчуйте гострі відчуття від серфінгу та інших водних видів спорту, прогуляйтеся пишним лісом, відсвяткуйте місцевий карнавал, скуштуйте пряні смаки місцевих делікатесів...
Вы здесь
Між пишними садами та кокосовим гаєм наш курорт на узбережжі Мартиники знаходиться на найпрекраснішому узбережжі, що виходить на Діамантову Скелю
Катання на водних лижах, вейкбординг, кайтсерфінг, вінгфойл... немає кінця захоплюючим морським відчуттям, які можна відчути тут
Местный колорит
Відчуйте багатий колорит креольської культури, відкриваючи її яскраву кухню, ритмічну музику та святковий дух
Прийміть ритм острівного життя: від сонячного відпочинку до багатства спортивних занять і тостів на заході сонця в гарній компанії
Overall experience great.
The facility was great. The views from our room was awesome. No issues at all . The ability to speak French would be a big advantage .
Always enjoyed Club Med. You know exactly what you're getting into. Just turn the music down in the common areas. Be sensitive to areas where the floor gets wet. Witnessed many instances of people slipping and in one case falling
Micheline D
Overall had a good time
Arrival: no one o meet you but it’s a small airport so you can see the club med desk. At the resort we missed in the introduction we received $50€ and upgraded internet which we figured out the second week. We only knew the internet was in weekly slots when ours went out at the end of our stay trying to get boarding passes. It should be setup for your length of stay.
Room:It was bright and airy and very clean. The cleaning staff are fantastic.we had a sea view so you want to be on the second or third floor.
Beach:As I am a beach person I found it a little lacking. The beaches are all public which is fine but there is no private area for the guests so people might put their towel next to your lounger so no room to move with the direction of the sun.There are plenty of loungers so that’s not a problem. There ocean is very shallow and has sea grass in spots meaning long walks to get past chest height.
Food: The food is excellent and the variety exceptional. If you are a fish person you are going to love it. There is such variety pizza,pasta,beef Wellington,steak,…definitely no problem here. Wine is served with lunch and dinner . They have an a la carte location but we only went twice for burgers which are great.
Activities:You can be as busy or chill as you want to be. No one prodding you to join an activity,if.you want to join it,s there. They have water skiing,yoga,exercise classes,aqua gym,volleyball,kite surfing etc you won,t be board.
Entertainment: There are shows each night put on by the staff which really not all that bad. It was good enough to keep us coming back.
The only negative was the execution of the arrival and trip to the airport. A little better notification upon arrival and upon departure (sufficient buses) are about it. The amount of French might bother some but it’s a French island and the majority of guests are French. But keep an open mind and enjoy .
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Аеропорт Fort de France: 50m
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