Spring Transatlantic De La Romana para Málaga

Cruzeiros Club Med 2

Holistic Wellness Cruise

Holistic Wellness Cruise

Transatlantic Wellness Cruise

Visão geral da viagem

Spring Transatlantic

Itinerário do cruzeiro

Seu itinerário detalhado de La Romana para Málaga

Dia 1: La Romana

Partida em 23:00

A little port, built in 1851 to ease maritime traffic, the town was only officially founded in 1897. The city itself only began to grow 20 years later, when Italian immigrants built a large mill to grind the sugar cane. Ship docked, no water sports. Boarding and disembarkation port of call.

Dia 2: Sailing on the open sea

A restorative day at sea. Choose from the range of inviting possibilities on our remarkable sailing yacht, including 4 hours of additional holistic wellbeing programmes every day: Heberson Oliveira, Yoga Master - Tomaz Mezou, Sports Coach and Paul Wagner.

Dia 3: Prickly Pear / Virgin Gorda

Chegada em 07:00 Partida em 17:00

Private beach on Prickly Pear Island for the Caribbean Beach Club day. Guests who have booked the Virgin Gorda Scenic Tour will discover an amazing geological feature: large granite boulders softened by erosion that create natural emerald pools lined with white sand. Anchored boat, beach and water sports.

Dia 4: Sailing on the open sea

A restorative day at sea and hoose from the range of inviting possibilities on our remarkable sailing ship.

Dia 5: Sailing on the open sea

A restorative day at sea and hoose from the range of inviting possibilities on our remarkable sailing ship.

Dia 6: Sailing on the open sea

A restorative day at sea and hoose from the range of inviting possibilities on our remarkable sailing ship.

Dia 7: Sailing on the open sea

A restorative day at sea and hoose from the range of inviting possibilities on our remarkable sailing ship.

Dia 8: Sailing on the open sea

A restorative day at sea and hoose from the range of inviting possibilities on our remarkable sailing ship.

Dia 9: Sailing on the open sea

A restorative day at sea and hoose from the range of inviting possibilities on our remarkable sailing ship.

Dia 10: Sailing on the open sea

A restorative day at sea and hoose from the range of inviting possibilities on our remarkable sailing ship.

Dia 11: Sailing on the open sea

A restorative day at sea and hoose from the range of inviting possibilities on our remarkable sailing ship.

Dia 12: Praia da Vitória

Chegada em 08:00 Partida em 17:00

The historic center, birthplace of Vitotino Nemésio, an illustrious Portuguese writer, has retained all its old-world charm. Its labyrinth of streets and alleyways, lined with old houses with acacia or cedar balconies, are often protected by railings or moucharabiehs. Boats alongside the quay, no water sports.

Dia 13: Sailing on the open sea

A restorative day at sea and hoose from the range of inviting possibilities on our remarkable sailing ship.

Dia 14: Sailing on the open sea

A restorative day at sea and hoose from the range of inviting possibilities on our remarkable sailing ship.

Dia 15: Sailing on the open sea

A restorative day at sea and hoose from the range of inviting possibilities on our remarkable sailing ship.

Dia 16: Sailing on the open sea

A restorative day at sea and hoose from the range of inviting possibilities on our remarkable sailing ship.

Dia 17: Málaga

Chegada em 08:00

Esta joia cosmopolita da Andaluzia, com 300 dias de sol ao ano, é um grande marco na história do cubismo - você pode visitar a casa que Picasso nasceu e o museu com mais de 200 obras do pintor. Navio atracado no porto, sem esportes aquáticos. Escala com embarque e desembarque.

O quarto perfeito para a sua estada

Bem-vindo(a) a bordo do maior veleiro do mundo. Com cinco mastros, 164 cabines, 187 metros de comprimento e 2000 m² de decks externos distribuídos em oito níveis, esse navio é uma verdadeira maravilha. E não são apenas as dimensões que impressionam: a parte estética da embarcação também é magnífica. Todas as cabines, desde o deck inferior até a Suíte do Armador no topo, têm vista para o exterior. Tudo é de altíssima qualidade.

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